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Penza school of gymnastics received 1 million rubles for Olympians training

10:34 | 18.01.2012 | Sport


Penza, 18 January 2012. PenzaNews. Children-youth sport school of Olympic reserve on gymnastics of the Penza region received 1 million rubles grant for training the candidates for national teams of the Russian Federation.

The grant was allocated by noncommercial charitable organization “Fund of Support of Olympians of Russia” following the results of work of the specialized Children-youth sport school in 2011.

“This grant is given to specialized Children-youth sport school of the Olympic reserve training candidates for national teams of the Russian Federation for participation in ХХХ Summer Olympic Games in London in 2012, XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 and ХХХI Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016,” said the chief of advertizing-information department of the palace of sports “Burtasy” Svetlana Gorodnicheva.

“The fund of Support of Olympians of Russia” was created in 2005 with assistance of the state and public figures of the Russian Federation and also outstanding sportsmen. There are annual charitable payments of founders. The primary goal of the organization is the development and strengthening of Russian Olympic movement.

The fund allocates grants to sportsmen, trainers and specialists who train sportsmen for national teams for Olympic Games and also specialized children-youth sports schools of Olympic reserve, champions, prize-winners and veterans of Olympic Games.

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