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28 June 2012

Complex munitions to be destroyed in Penza region from November 2012

28.06.12 16:50 | Society

The construction of the new building of complex munitions detoxification and destruction at “Leonidovka” facility to be finished in November 2012. This was reported by the Head of the Federal Department for Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons, Colonel-General Valery Kapashin to Mikhail Babich, the authorized ...

Journalists Memorial Day to be established in Penza region

28.06.12 12:30 | Society

Journalists Memorial Day will be celebrated annually in the Penza region. Its date is not yet determined.

Mikhail Babich stopped by Leonidovka to have a drink

28.06.12 12:10 | Society

Authorized Representative of Russian President in Volga (Privolzhsky) Federal District, Mikhail Babich, after a visit to the regiment for protection of chemical weapon destruction facilities and emergency elimination, came to village Leonidovka to check the quality of tap water.

Penza delegation takes part in Russian-German Congress in Berlin

28.06.12 09:21 | Economy

The Delegation of the Penza region takes part in the Congress “Russia – Germany 2012” initiated by Wegweiser Media & Conferences GmbH Berlin with the support of Trade and Economic Bureau of the Russian Embassy in Germany.

Phonecalls recorder installed at Issinsky police station

28.06.12 08:42 | Society

Phonecalls recorder, which records all incoming and outgoing telephone conversations was installed at the police station in Issa village, the Penza region.

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