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3 July 2012

School camper fire brigade

03.07.12 15:28 | Society

A play-lesson on fire safety was held in a summer camp at school No. 52 of Penza on Tuesday, July 3.

Consumer prices rose by 2,6% in Penza region

03.07.12 15:08 | Economy

The consumer price index in the Penza region in June 2012 compared to May 2012 amounted to 100,71%. This information was brought up by the press service of the Penza statistics department in the interview to news agency “PenzaNews.”

Penza Theological Seminary expecting new students

03.07.12 14:05 | Society

Penza Theological Seminary is recruiting new students to the pastoral, regent, and icon painting departments.

Penza communists against Russia’s entry into WTO

03.07.12 13:51 | Politics

Activists of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party participated in the nationwide protest against Russia’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). They held a protest near a regional board of honor and glory in Penza on Tuesday, July 3. During one hour, the Communists were taking turns holding a red flag with a ...

Penza State Technological Academy confirmed status of technical college

03.07.12 12:53 | Society

Penza State Technological Academy was accredited by the state for 6 years with the status of “educational institution of higher professional education.” The corresponding order was issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Qualification upgrading courses for clergy started in Penza

03.07.12 11:52 | Society

Advanced training of clergy of Penza diocese started on Monday, July 2. The bishop of Penza and Kuznetsk Veniamin held a service before the beginning of the lecture period.

Interior Minister and Head of the Federal Migration Service to discuss methods to combat illegal migration

03.07.12 09:44 | Society

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and Director of the Federal Migration Service Konstantin Romodanovsky intend to visit Penza in mid-July.

Five projects from Penza submitted to All-Russian competition “Healthy Generation”

03.07.12 08:26 | Society

Five projects developed by teachers of the Penza region were submitted to participate in All-Russian competition of educational programs promoting a healthy lifestyle “Healthy Generation.”

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