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20 November 2014

French language resource center opened in Penza State University

20.11.14 18:05 | Society

The French language resource center has been opened at historical and philological faculty of Penza State University on Thursday, November 20.  According to professor Oleg Yagov, the dean of the faculty, PhD in Historical Sciences, this is a significant event the university has been waiting for a long time.

Penza ensemble “Zlato-Serebro” completing concert program “We are diverse!”

20.11.14 17:37 | Culture

The musical ensemble “Zlato-Serebro” is completing its concert program “We are diverse!” that will be presented in the grand hall of the Penza regional Philharmonic Hall on Friday, November 21.

Woman-driver hit pedestrian on Druzhby Street in Penza

20.11.14 16:30 | Incidents

A woman driving a Mitsubishi hit a girl on Druzhby Street in Penza on Thursday, November 20.

Penza martial arts sports palace nearing completion

20.11.14 13:32 | Sport

The construction of martial arts sports palace on 40 Let Oktyabrya street in Penza is nearing completion, announced Valentin Kyachman, the chairman of the regional sports committee.

Penza region government soon to lose two deputy PMs

20.11.14 12:42 | Society

Two deputy prime ministers of the Penza region government will be laid off, announced the governor Vasily Bochkarev on Thursday, November 20.

Police set up criminal case on Mokshan drink-and-drive accident that ended up in injuries for 6-year-old girl

20.11.14 09:48 | Incidents

The police have set up a criminal case on the November 11 drunk driving traffic accident in Mokshan industrial village of the Penza region, in which a 6-year-old girl received grave injuries.

Penza citizen fined 40,000 rubles for avoiding army draft

20.11.14 09:11 | Society

A 26 year old Penza citizen has been sentenced for avoiding army draft.

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