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9 October 2015

Lyubov Finogeeva: Penza budget loses 1 bln rubles, largely due to city hall’s actions

09.10.15 13:42 | Economy

The 1-billion-ruble deficit in local income of the Penza city budget was caused by poor work of the city administration in the relevant field, the acting regional Minister of Finance Lyubov Finogeeva reported during the 30th regular session of the Penza region Legislative ...

Penza city head becomes grandfather for third time

09.10.15 13:05 | Society

The Penza city head Victor Kuvaytsev became a grandfather for the third time, as a baby boy was born into the family of his son Andrei on Thursday, October 8.

Penza human rights activist barred entry to regional parliament session

09.10.15 11:27 | Society

The human rights activist Yuri Voblikov, chairman of the regional branch for the Russian civil movement “For Human Rights,” nicknamed “The Gas Mask Man” after his unorthodox protest techniques, has held another one-man picket by the doors of the Penza ...

Vyacheslav Kosmachev elected deputy head of Penza region Legislative Assembly

09.10.15 10:25 | Politics

Vyacheslav Kosmachev, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region, member of the regional headquarters of the All-Russia People's Front, head physician of the medical prevention center, was elected the vice-speaker of the regional parliament during the October ...

Olesya Safonova heads Russian government analysis center management dept

09.10.15 09:16 | Politics

Olesya Safonova, Minister of Economy of the Penza region in April 2013 – May 2015, was appointed the head of the state sector project management department in the analysis center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

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