20:45:58 Thursday, March 13
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16 March 2012

Ticket terminals at railway station Penza-I

16.03.12 15:00 | Society

The first in the Penza region KbshZhD transaction ticket terminals of self-service allowing passengers to buy long-distance train ticket independently and print the ticket having been earlier bought through the Internet was started at railway station Penza-I on Friday, March 16.

Housing and communal services money should work for person — Vasily Bochkarev

16.03.12 13:37 | Society

The solemn meeting devoted to Day of workers of housing and communal services sphere took place in Penza Regional Drama Theater named after of A.V. Lunacharsky on Friday, March 16.

Exhibition devoted to Mordvinian culture to take place in Penza

16.03.12 12:36 | Culture

Exhibition “Material and Spiritual Culture of Mordvinian People. Accessories of ancient and medieval Mordvin III–XVIII centuries” will take place in Penza Regional Museum of Local Lore on Thursday, March 22.

Rate for home telephone increased in Penza region

16.03.12 11:42 | Society

New rates for the services of local telecommunication provided by “Rostelecom” were fixed on Friday, March 16.

Rostelecom provides subscribers with free 2 hours intercity monthly telephone calls

16.03.12 10:03 | Economy

JSC “Rostelecom” provides up to 2 hours free intercity telephone calls monthly automatically form home telephone for all users of one or several telecommunication company services, such as local telecommunication with tariff plan “Limitless,” ...

Penza game “Domovyata” took second place in competition “Best Games – 2011”

16.03.12 09:58 | Society

The game of “Domovjata” developed by the Penza company “BIT.GAMES” took the second place in competition “Best games – 2011” according to results of user voting, having conceded a rank of “Best Social Online Game” to ...

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