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5 April 2012

Governor Vasily Bochkarev met ambassadors of France and Belarus in Russia

05.04.12 16:01 | Politics

The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev during 2nd interregional forum “Innomed – 2012” held a working meeting with the deputy attache of department of science, equipment and space of France embassy in Russia Adrien Lopato and the head of office ...

Representatives of Kuznetsky bank took part in forum “Innomed – 2012”

05.04.12 15:09 | Society

Representatives of Penza bank “Kuznetsky” took part in a forum “Innomed: Effective models of introduction innovative technologies in the sphere of medical and pharmaceutical industry. A role of regions in innovative strategy of the country” which was held in Penza on Thursday, April 5.

Vasily Bochkarev improved his positions in information openness rating

05.04.12 12:37 | Politics

The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev took 8th place in a rating of information openness of heads of the regions, made by “National service of monitoring” together with “Institute of independent political researches” by March, 2012. As it ...

Ivan Belozertsev urged businessmen and communal be engaged in beautification actively

05.04.12 11:57 | Society

It is necessary for utility services of Penza to mobilize all available resources for sanitary cleaning of the city as much as possible, and heads of the enterprises are to clear of snow, garbage and dirt not only their own, but also adjacent territories. Mayor Ivan ...

7-thousand subscriber of interactive television of "Rostelecom" Penza

05.04.12 10:43 | Economy

The Penza branch of JSC "Rostelecom" plumbed in the seven-thousandth subscriber to the interactive television who became Valentin Karpov, the resident of Kuznetsk.

Congress of young farmers of Volga Federal District in Penza

05.04.12 08:50 | Society

The congress of young farmers of the Volga federal district, devoted to 150th anniversary of Peter Stolypin will take place in Penza on April 5-6.

Winner of "Bitva Ekstrasensov" exhibition in Penza

05.04.12 08:01 | Culture

The opening of the exhibition of works of Majdi Ebragimi Vaf, the winner of the third season television show "Bitva ekstrasensov" will be held in Penza on Friday, April 6.

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