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12 June 2012

Foundation stone for Monument to the Fallen in Local Wars laid in Penza

12.06.12 19:31 | Society

The foundation stone at the construction site of the Monument to the Fallen in Local Wars which will be built in return for the lost monument in the park near culture center named after F. Dzerzhinsky, was laid near the monument “Razorvannaya Zvezda” (Torn Star) in Prospect Pobedy Street on Tuesday, June 12.

Officers graduate from Penza Artillery Engineering Institute

12.06.12 14:47 | Society

Celebration of the fifty-first graduation of officers from Penza Artillery Engineering Institute was held in Penza on Sunday, June 12. More than 400 former students from Russia and about 50 foreigners received lieutenant’s shoulder loops on parade ground of the institute. After the solemn ceremony the young officers paraded to ...

Kukushka Clock restoration completed in Penza

12.06.12 12:28 | Society

The opening ceremony of repaired Tower Clock Kukushka (Cuckoo) was held in Penza on Russia Day, June 12.

Public rally to celebrate Day of Russia takes place in Penza

12.06.12 11:25 | Society

A public rally to celebrate the Day of Russia took place in Penza’s Lenin Square on Tuesday, June 12. According to the regional office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, some five thousand people attended the rally. Governor Vasily Bochkarev congratulated residents of the Penza region on the holiday. He noted that ...

Renovated Gallery of Honor and Glory opens in Penza

12.06.12 09:26 | Society

An official opening ceremony of the renovated Gallery of Honor and Glory of the Penza region took place on Tuesday, June 12. It was attended by representatives of businesses and organizations that had made special contributions to the formation of socio-economic policy of the region.

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