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20 November 2012

Penza festival “Jazz May” recognized as best cultural project of event tourism

20.11.12 16:09 | Culture

International festival “Jazz May,” which took place in Penza on May 17–21, won the national award in the field of event tourism “Russian Event Awards” in culture.

Sentence passed in respect of Penza region resident for false report of impending explosion

20.11.12 15:44 | Incidents

The resident of Kuznetsk, the Penza region was sentenced to 360 hours of compulsory labor for the false report of the impending explosion.

Penza students won at the International Internet Olympiad in History

20.11.12 14:52 | Society

Students of Pedagogical Institute named after V. Belinsky of Penza State University Vladislav Ponomarev and Anastasia Slepenko took first and second places at the Volga Federal District stage of the open International Internet Olympiad in History of Russia held in Saransk.

Road from Stroiteley Ave to “Arbekovskaya Zastava” to be built in Penza

20.11.12 14:46 | Society

The road from Stroiteley Ave to micro district “Arbekovskaya Zastava” will be built in Penza within the program “Promotion of Housing Construction.”

Dom.ru services used by over 140 thousand people in Penza

20.11.12 12:07 | Society

Over 140 thousand residents of Penza are users of Dom.ru services provided by ER-Telecom, and around 25 thousand of those people became subscribers in 2012.

24 homeless people found in Kuznetsk within 10 days

20.11.12 09:35 | Society

For the past ten days, 24 homeless people were found during the raids conducted by the members of social protection institutions and the city department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Kuznetsk.

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