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28 December 2012

Martial Arts Festival organizers plan to invite Steven Seagal to Penza

28.12.12 15:00 | Sport

Organizers of the regional festival of martial arts, which is annually held in Penza, plan to invite famous American actor Steven Seagal as a guest of honor in 2013. This is reported by Internet service “Penza-Sport” with reference to the chairman of the regional association of martial arts Sergei Chistov.

32 thousand people employed in Penza region in 2012 as a result of employment service bodies’ work

28.12.12 13:59 | Society

32 thousand residents of the Penza region were employed in 2012 with the assistance of bodies of the employment service.

Surveillance cameras installed in 22 elevators in Penza

28.12.12 12:03 | Society

CCTV cameras are installed in 22 elevators of apartment buildings in Ladozhskaya, Suvorov, Rahkmaninov, Kizhevatov and Prospect Pobedy streets in the framework of the housing maintenance program, co-financed by the Housing Fund.

Initial inquiry into death of conscript at collecting point conducted in Penza

28.12.12 11:26 | Incidents

Military Investigation Department of Investigation Committee of Russia for Penza garrison is conducting pre-investigation checks on the death of a conscript at the regional collecting point. “Today we can say for sure that it was a natural death. Experts have ...

MTS launched its own TV channel in Penza

28.12.12 10:09 | Society

Twenty-four-hour Information Channel MTS-Info, which is a video guide to the most interesting shows and movies of cable television package of JSC Mobile TeleSystems began broadcasting in Penza.

Five Penza colleges to receive grants for innovative projects

28.12.12 09:15 | Society

Five colleges located in Penza, Kuznetsk and Spassk, the Penza region, will receive grants for implementation of innovative educational projects.

Zarechny policeman injured arresting drunken man

28.12.12 08:57 | Incidents

Patrol officer of Russian Interior Ministry in the town of Zarechny, the Penza region was hospitalized with brain concussion and bruises received during the arrest of a drunken citizen.

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