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22 January 2014

Maintenance of 18 hockey rinks to cost 582 thousand rubles from Penza budget

22.01.14 17:23 | Society

The Department of Housing of Penza contracted with LLC “ABC” for maintenance and repair of 18 hockey rinks in the first quarter of 2014 for the total amount of 582,385 rubles.

Handicapped without leg sentenced to 6,5 years in prison for killing his convive in Kuznetsk

22.01.14 15:23 | Incidents

A 32-year-old resident of the Kemerovo region, who has a disability of the third group due to lack of one leg, was sentenced to 6,5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime for the murder of his convive, the resident of Kuznetsk, the Penza region.

Pekka Viljakainen: Penza has strong startup community

22.01.14 14:53 | Society

The advisor to the president of Skolkovo Foundation, the founder of Oy Visual Systems Ltd, the creator of the project “No Fear. The Community” Pekka Viljakainen, invited as a special guest to roadshow “Russian StartUp Tour” in Penza noted a strong startup community and powerful government support of this ...

Penza innovators presented their projects to experts of “Russian StartUp Tour”

22.01.14 13:57 | Society

The event summoned to find innovative projects “Russian StartUp Tour” began its work in the high technology park “Rameev” in Penza on Wednesday, January 22.

Investigating committee: Death of two people in fire in Bekovo has criminal inclination

22.01.14 11:40 | Incidents

Death of two people found in the ashes after a fire in a private house in Bekovo village, the Penza region last Monday, January 20, is suspected to be a murder. This was reported to news agency PenzaNews by the Senior Assistant of the Head of the Investigative Department of ...

Narcologist from Kuznetsk disbarred from medical practice for bribery

22.01.14 09:49 | Incidents

Psychiatrist-narcologist from Kuznetsk central district hospital of the Penza region arrested in June 2013 with a bribe has been deprived of the right to engage in medical practice in the state and municipal health institutions for a period of 6 months.

Presentation of Penza as venue for European Triathlon Championship held in Germany

22.01.14 09:34 | Sport

Presentation devoted to the European Triathlon Championship for athletes under 23 years old and juniors which is to take place in Penza on June 27-29, was held as a part a conference of the presidents of the European national federations of sports, organized in Frankfort on ...

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