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29 August 2014

Penza residents: Bring back direct mayor and governor elections

29.08.14 16:18 | Society

The vast majority of Penza residents find it necessary to return to the direct election of the mayor and the governor, states the report on the results of a survey conducted by research company “RAGMIR” based on representative sample by telephone interview in August 2014.

Penza 89% ready for cold season

29.08.14 15:39 | Society

Penza housing complex is 89% ready for the upcoming cold season, the officials reported during the 65th regular session of the Penza City Duma that was held on Friday, August 29.  According to Nikolai Zavodovsky, deputy Penza administration chief, all the preparatory work is carried out as planned.

Penza authorities: We have nothing against foreign agent “Memorial”

29.08.14 13:53 | Politics

The Penza region authorities have no claims against the activities of the regional branch of the public organization “Russian historical, educational, charitable and human rights society ‘Memorial’,” said Sergei Pulikovsky, deputy chairman and head of department for cooperation with state authorities and local ...

Penza governor pushed for “Videoschool” project

29.08.14 09:52 | Society

Vasily Bochkarev, governor of the Penza region, pushed for implementing the “Videoschool” project that will allow the residents of the region to assess the state of any educational institution where they once studied or are currently planning to send their children.

Penza region and Aerofuels Group signed cooperation protocol

29.08.14 09:24 | Economy

The protocol on cooperation was signed in the regional government between the Penza region and LLC Aerofuels Group.

Wild fowl hunting season opens in Penza region

29.08.14 07:56 | Society

The ban on wild fowl hunting in the summer-autumn season has been lifted in the Penza region on Friday, August 29.

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