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1 December 2015

“Biomed” cluster enterprises take part in cardiovascular surgeons forum

01.12.15 16:14 | Economy

Enterprises of the Penza region engineering and production cluster “Biomed” took part in the 21st countrywide forum of cardiovascular surgeons that took place at Moscow’s Bakulev Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Worldwide Communist Parties activities discussed at Penza conference

01.12.15 12:01 | Politics

The Penza region CPRF committee has held the first conference on activities of Communist Parties worldwide, which took place in the committee building.

Dina Cheremushkina becomes press secretary to governor, Penza region government

01.12.15 10:15 | Politics

Dina Cheremushkina will be working as the press secretary to the governor and the Penza region government, announced Ivan Belozertsev during the regular meeting session of the Penza region government on Tuesday, December 1.

Sergei Kapralov replaces Rauf Chakaev as Penza region Economy Minister

01.12.15 09:51 | Politics

Sergei Kapralov, formerly Assistant Minister of Economy of the Penza region, head of the Investment Policy and Foreign Trade Coordination in the regional Economy Ministry, has been appointed the new Minister of Economy, announced the governor Ivan Belozertsev.

Yuri Krivov to take over social issues in Penza region government

01.12.15 09:17 | Politics

Yuri Krivov has been appointed deputy chairman of the Penza region government, announced the head of the region Ivan Belozertsev during the regular meeting session on Tuesday, December 1.

Larisa Ryabikhina becomes gubernatorial, regional government staff chief

01.12.15 09:11 | Politics

Larisa Ryabikhina has been appointed the gubernatorial and regional government staff chief, announced the head of the region Ivan Belozertsev during the regular meeting session of the regional government on Tuesday, December 1.

Nikolai Simonov to head Penza region government

01.12.15 09:07 | Politics

Nikolai Simonov has been appointed the head of the Penza region government, announced the head of the region Ivan Belozertsev during the regular meeting session of the regional government on Tuesday, December 1.

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