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Penza governor boosts his Twitter activity

11:36 | 02.12.2014 | Politics


Penza, 2 December 2014. PenzaNews. The Penza region governor published over 10 short messages on various topics in his Twitter over the span of one hour in the morning of Tuesday, December 2.

Vasily Bochkarev

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Some of them were dedicated to past events that the governor attended. As usual, they are accompanied by one or several photos of Vasily Bochkarev with other people.

Among other things, the governor tweeted: “Surrounded by USSR and Russian heroes from all over country, Penza youth must follow their example,” “Ordered government, tax service and law [enforcement] authorities to develop step-by-step tax collection boost plan,” “We can’t implement complex import replacement measures without approving nation health boost subplan.”

Other remarks describe the governor’s opinion and notes on his orders: “Only a healthy man with sober mind can bring labor levels into plus,” “Ordered to develop judo in Penza region cities and areas,” “We must solve the most important social issue – nurturing a strong and healthy generation,” “PROchteniye: grown-ups must read more, and children must be taught to love reading: there’s no education without reading.”

Vasily Bochkarev’s Twitter also featured several messages that described his good ratings over development of extracurricular school education: “Award from Petya Bardin of gymnasium No. 13 who took part in All-Russian Robotics and Cybersports fest,” “Sochi org committee thanked for helping develop youth scientific creativity.”

The Penza region governor Vasily Bochkarev created his Twitter account in July 2014, with plans to provide immediate information about his work, share thoughts and opinions, and answer questions.

As of 11.30 of Tuesday, December 2, the Twitter account of the governor has 486 subscribers. Among them are regular citizens, and regional officials, including Victor Rubtsov, governor’s staff department leader and chief of the regional government; Valery Bespalov, deputy chairman of the Penza regional government; Vladimir Stryuchkov, Minister of Health of the Penza region; and Nikolai Argatkin, the Minister of Forestry.

Vasily Bochkarev’s Twitter frequently appeared in the spotlight of the local media. One of the points that attracted the attention was the governor’s public discussion of the possible fate of the former maternity clinic building on Pushkina street that was originally planned to house a multi-type museum and exhibition center, and, later, a high-end maternity welfare center.

The governor also used his account to inform people about his plans to lay off two of his deputy chairmen in the Penza region government.

In November 2014, the governor indirectly admitted that he cannot manage his Twitter account all the time due to his occupation and has to use assistance of his trustees.

Despite that fact, active social networking positively affect Vasily Bochkarev’s rating. He was rated among the top three region heads in the Russian blogging scene.  

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