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17 January 2012

Woman who stole 60 thousand rubles from her ex-husband convicted in Penza region

17.01.12 17:13 | Incidents

Serdobsk City Court of the Penza region delivered a guilty verdict against a woman who had stolen 60 thousand rubles from her ex-husband.

Penza photographer’s picture winner of project “Best of Russia”

17.01.12 16:03 | Culture

The jury of the All-Russia annual open project “Best of Russia” recognized Penza photographer Yury Nesterenko’s photograph “Mother and the son” one of the best in nomination “People.”

Criticism of Vladimir Putin proves interest in him, Vasily Bochkarev

17.01.12 14:18 | Politics

Criticism directed against Chairman of the Government of Russia Vladimir Putin, a presidential candidate, proves he is interesting and popular and is acting in the right direction. This statement was made by governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev at a meeting of the regional popular campaign office in support of Vladimir Putin ...

Governor of Penza region has no plans to create Facebook and Vkontakte accounts

17.01.12 13:56 | Politics

Governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev does not plan to create profiles on the popular social networks Vkontakte and Facebook as he stated during his meeting with the most active Internet users of the region on Monday, January 16.

Direct elections of governors to increase their responsibility to voters — Vasily Bochkarev

17.01.12 13:51 | Politics

Direct elections of heads of Russian regions will increase their responsibility to voters. Governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev made this statement when commenting on the bill that would revive the direct elections of heads of federal units. The bill was just ...

Resident of Penza region receives official letter of thanks from Moscow mayor

17.01.12 13:44 | Society

Resident of village Bessonovka of the Penza region Pelageya Busarova was awarded a memorable sign “70 years since the battle for Moscow”. She also received a letter of thanks from mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin.

Results of photo competition “Healthy food” announced in Penza

17.01.12 12:39 | Society

The results of the photo competition “Healthy food” organized by the City Science and Methodology Center were announced in Penza on Monday, January 16th.

Governor Vasily Bochkarev holds first 2012 meeting with bloggers

17.01.12 10:07 | Politics

The first 2012 meeting of governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev with bloggers took place in the new building of the art gallery named after K. A. Savitsky on Monday, January 16. Several journalists and representatives of youth movement “Stal” who did not participate in discussions were also present.

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