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21 June 2012

More hotel rooms for tourist in Tarkhany

21.06.12 16:47 | Culture

Additional hotel rooms for tourists will soon be equipped in the State Lermontov Museum – Tarkhany Reserve in the Penza region. This was announced by the director of the museum Tamara Melnikova at a press conference at the press center of news agency PenzaNews on Thursday, June 21.

433 people arrested during “Drunk Driver” operation in the Penza region

21.06.12 14:15 | Society

433 drivers, who were intoxicated or refused to undergo examination, were detained by the police in the Penza region during the operation “Drunk Driver.”

Adolescent girls to be vaccinated against cervical cancer in Zarechny

21.06.12 14:04 | Society

Vaccination of girls aged 9 to 15 years against cervical cancer started in the clinic of Zarechny, the Penza region within the priority national project “Health.”

Investment potential of Penza region to be presented in Turkey

21.06.12 13:31 | Economy

A delegation of officials and businessmen, will present the investment potential of the Penza region in the Turkish cities of Istanbul and Ankara during the official visit on June 25–29.

Street basketball competition to be held in Penza

21.06.12 09:50 | Sport

Streetball tournament will take place in Fountain Square in Penza on Wednesday, June 27. Competitions will be held in the framework of city festival of contemporary youth culture, “Bring it on!”

Samara resident convicted of phone fraud in Penza

21.06.12 09:18 | Incidents

Penza Regional Court left unchanged Oktyabr District Court verdict dated 28 April 2012 against Vadim Boriskin, in accordance with which he was convicted of 13 instances of fraud and one attempt at fraud.

Penza students’ family to take part in competition for title of the best in Russia

21.06.12 08:49 | Society

Students’ families from 10 regions of Russia: Penza, Ryazan, Saratov, Arkhangelsk, Moscow, Samara and Ulyanovsk regions, and from Chuvashia, Mari El and Bashkortostan, will take part in the finals of the All-Russian contest “Students’ families” to be ...

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