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6 September 2012

School boy from Penza region to participate in World Chess Championship

06.09.12 14:52 | Sport

A school boy from Sosnovka village, the Penza region Andrey Tersintsev is joining the national team participating in the World Chess Championships for disabled people, which will be held in the Czech Republic in 2013.

Poultry continues to rise in price in Penza

06.09.12 12:37 | Economy

The cost of poultry in Penza, which is the highest among all the regional centers of Privolzhsky (Volga) Federal District, increased again in the past few weeks.

Resident of Kuznetsk, accused of organizing casino, refused to testify

06.09.12 12:32 | Incidents

Businesswoman from Kuznetsk, the Penza region, accused of illegal organization and conduct of gambling, and illegal use of the objects of copyright, refused to admits her guilt.

Third Blogger Against Trash campaign to be held in 2012 in Penza

06.09.12 11:50 | Society

The third campaign Blogger Against Trash within the nationwide project will be held in Penza on Saturday, September 8.

Prosecutor’s office pointed out gross violations of town planning legislation

06.09.12 11:18 | Incidents

Prosecutor’s office revealed gross violations of town planning legislation concerning the fact of granting by certain Penza administration officials two permits for construction of a shopping center, and the second stage of shopping complex at Sozidateley Av.

CPR Northeast Normal University to consider possibility of cooperation with PSU

06.09.12 09:20 | Society

Governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev suggested President of CPR Northeast Normal University (NENU) Liu Yichun to develop and sign an agreement between NENU and Penza State University at the meeting on Wednesday, September 5.

Vasily Bochkarev suggested Governor Wang Rulin to assemble Chinese cars in Penza

06.09.12 09:07 | Economy

Governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev discussed cooperation with Governor of Jilin Province of China Wang Rulin on Wednesday, September 5.

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