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27 September 2012

Viktor Cherkesov: People in Russia die because of lack of responsibility

27.09.12 21:40 | Politics

The drunk driver, who killed seven people in Minskaya St. in Moscow, represents the sickness of our society. This was declared by the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of Russia on security and anti-corruption, a member of the Communist Party, Viktor Cherkesov during a ...

Yuri Afonin: Officials must report on their cash savings over 20 years

27.09.12 20:57 | Politics

Russian officials must report on their income for the last 20 years before ratifying Article 20 of the UN Convention against Corruption, criminalizing illicit enrichment by public officials. This opinion was voiced by the leader of the Russian Communist Youth, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee in Physical Culture, Sport ...

State Duma member Viktor Cherkesov named one of main reasons of corruption in Russia

27.09.12 18:21 | Politics

Lack of political will is one of the main reasons for the insufficient struggle against bribery in the country. This was declared by the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of Russia on security and anti-corruption, a member of the Communist Party, Viktor Cherkesov ...

Vasily Bochkarev: Without competition science cannot move forward

27.09.12 17:31 | Society

Without competition in the market of high-tech products in particular, and science in general cannot move forward. This opinion was expressed by the governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev during the grand opening of inter-regional youth forum “Penza region — the territory of success” on Thursday, September 27.

No trace of alcohol found in blood of Penza businessman Oleg Totsky

27.09.12 14:45 | Incidents

Experts of Penza regional drug hospital found no trace of alcohol in the blood sample of a well-known businessman and social activist Oleg Totsky after an accident, which resulted in death of a motorcyclist.

Heating season began in Kuznetsk

27.09.12 13:30 | Society

The Head of Kuznetsk, the Penza region Sergey Zlatogorsky signed a decree about the beginning of the heating season.

Volga region MegaFon customers use mobile Internet 1,5 times more often

27.09.12 13:21 | Economy

During this year average consumption of the Internet resource in the Volga region MegaFon increased by 1,5 times, and the average price for the service declined by 10%.

Penza region resident received 1 million rubles loan with fictitious documents

27.09.12 12:05 | Incidents

The officers of Economic Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Penza identified the criminal who illegally took possession of funds belonging to the bank in the amount of 993 thousand rubles.

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