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26 April 2012

Team tactical maneuvers of Office of Interior Ministry took place in Penza region

26.04.12 17:05 | Society

Large-scale team tactical maneuvers of regional Office of Interior Ministry of Russia and Interior Ministry troops took place in the Penza region on April 25 and 26 for the first time.

Public transport fare in Penza becomes one of highest in Volga Federal District

26.04.12 14:19 | Society

Public transport fare in Penza which will be increased since April 30 will be one of the highest in Volga Federal District.

Vasily Bochkarev: two Penza universities unification is good for region

26.04.12 13:51 | Society

Unification of two universities, Penza State Teachers’ Training University and Penza State University is good for region development. This was declared by the governor Vasily Bochkarev on Thursday, April 26.

Penza delegation acquainted with work on creation of organ for Philharmonic

26.04.12 12:43 | Culture

Penza delegation consisting of architects, builders and staff of “Imlight” company, the supplier of musical equipment, which is the coordinator of interaction with the German party, returned from a trip to Germany where they got acquainted with course of works on ...

MAZ driver hit pensioner to death on pedestrian crossing in Penza

26.04.12 11:46 | Incidents

27-year-old driver of MAZ car hit the pensioner at pedestrian crossing in Pervomaisky district of Penza on Wednesday, April 25.

Penza journalist became prizewinner of JSC Rostelecom competition

26.04.12 10:02 | Society

Reporter of State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company “Penza” Natalia Karpeeva became the prizewinner of Volga region district stage of All-Russia competition for regional journalists “We are in Touch!” organized by JSC Rostelecom.

Public transport fare increased since April 30 in Penza

26.04.12 09:36 | Society

Public transport fare will be increased since April 30 in Penza. Order No. 412 was signed by the head of city administration Roman Chernov on Thursday, April 19, however information about it was published only in one Penza media, namely the newspaper “Municipal Vedomosty”, with the circulation of 1 thousand copies.

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