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13 April 2015

Penzastat head replies to Georgy Kamnev in open letter

13.04.15 19:19 | Economy

The head of the Penza region Federal State Statistics Service (Penzastat) has sent PenzaNews agency an open letter to Georgy Kamnev, deputy of the Penza region Legislative Assembly, first secretary of the Communist Party regional committee, on behalf of the staff of the institution. In this letter, the official expressed outrage over ...

Penza head Viktor Kuvaytsev awards 70th Victory anniversary medals to veterans

13.04.15 16:56 | Society

The head of Penza Viktor Kuvaytsev awarded 30 war veterans and home front workers who live in the GPZ neighborhood commemorative medals for the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Penza administration held public hearing on amendments to city development plan

13.04.15 14:52 | Society

Up to 60 people attended the public hearing on amendment to the development plan of Penza, held in the great hall of the city administration on Monday, April 13.

Sursk among Russian cities, towns with poorest citizens

13.04.15 14:26 | Society

The town of Sursk of the Penza region has been named one of the cities of Russia with the poorest citizens.

Penza civil activists announce crowdfunding campaign for Jazz May festival

13.04.15 14:03 | Society

A group of civil activists have announced a crowdfunding campaign for Jazz May festival. “After the bright story last year, we would like to hold a no less bright celebration again. However, the festival still has to struggle for survival. The times are tough, and ...

Alexei Ryabov moves to working in Penza city administration

13.04.15 12:06 | Politics

Alexei Ryabov, former first deputy chairman of the Penza region government as of Monday, April 13, plans to continue his job record in the city administration.

Kirill Zastrozhniy named Penza Picture Gallery director to staff

13.04.15 11:47 | Culture

Kirill Zastrozhniy, who had been working for a long time as deputy head of the Department of Culture and Archive of the Penza region, has been named director of the Savitsky Picture Gallery to its staff on Monday, April 13.

Penza governor travels to Turkey for job visit

13.04.15 10:29 | Economy

The Penza region governor Vasily Bochkarev has led the regional delegation for a job visit to Turkey in order to hold talks with the foreign partners on April 13-14.

Alexei Ryabov leaves first deputy regional govt chairman office

13.04.15 09:29 | Politics

Alexei Ryabov has left the office of the first deputy chairman of the regional government, starting Monday, April 13, vice-governor Victor Rubtsov announced in his Twitter.

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